Stoneworks Laundry Detergent Pods 1.65 lb

50 loads [power pods]. HE: All temperatures. Naturally-derived ingredients. Non-toxic formula. Phosphate, chloride & dye free. Cleans deeply. Eliminates odors. Fights stains. Softens naturally. Proudly made by GG: Grab Green. Works for all temperatures - HE. It's not just about what you remove, but what you add as well - As a mother of two lovely ladies and two furry four-legged doggies, having a safe and healthy environment has always been my top priority. I worked hands-on with a small team of artisan chemists and botanical experts to craft Grab Green's eco-responsible and non-toxic formulas to not only be effective, but offer a truly unique experience. Next, I hit the local farmer's market in Calabasas, CA to gather direct feedback from the community about Grab Green products. We continue to listen to our customers and evolve our products to be exceptional, safer and more effective. So go clean on some love, and let us know how we can make your cleaning experience even better! - Patricia Spencer/Co-founder, President & Mother. Naturally-derived ingredients. Non-toxic formula. Phosphate, chlorine & dye free. No animal testing. grabgreenhome. Facebook/grabgreen. Twitter: (at)grabgreen. Instagram: (at)grabgreen. Grab Green has a complete collection of naturally-derived home care products. Questions or comments? Ring us! 888.841.Grab (4722). True transparency. We want you to know what's inside and why. Beautifully simple home care products. Check with your community recycling facility for all your recycling options. USA proudly made.